Press Releases for PC Games

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    Highly Anticipated Facebook Game “5Life” announces closed beta, prepares for launch.

    5Life is a new type of social game on Facebook, which Mingleplay is touting as a “Next-Generation Social Game”.

    By : | 08-19-2010 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 1024

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    Addicting Game Download - Free on is constantly seeking to develop new gaming content and strike with a new selection of popular PC games, for instance, to put it bluntly, Murder in New York, Michel Saves the World 2, Around the World in 80 Days. With no reminders of the purchase or advertising between levels pleases its rapidly growing audience with over 130 absolutely free games ready for download.

    By : | 01-13-2012 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 1553

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    Rainbow Web 3: Use Your Brain Power to Untangle the Web!

    Sugar Games, the independent game developer, has announced the release of Rainbow Web 3. The new installment in the Rainbow series delivers ever-addictive three-in-a-row game wrapped in a compelling storyline and enhanced with the fantasy graphics and soundtrack.

    By : | 09-27-2011 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 722